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By Sehrish Owais

This ultimate gratitude is so healing that it let you see beyond the scope of misery you are experiencing at the very moment.

From the last month, I have been trying to do a small venture with many hurdles. Although, I am proceeding but failures are being faced very often but Alhamdulillah, if Allah wills the failure, He, the Almighty get me through it too! Summa Alhamdulillah. Sometimes, it feels that Allah wants me to do something more good In Sha Allah, but I just pray Him to help me follow my passion because no matter how much passionate and strugling you are, its only Allah, Who will make it happen.

Here, I am sharing a little incident of failure and success, wrapped in the utmost gratitude to Allah. Alhamdulillah!

It was the first week since I started my venture, that I had two orders for the same week and I was super excited to do that. I was going to drop my son to his kindergarten, with my little one in pram and my son on the buggyboard, planning about time management with my family, while making dua and thanking Allah continously. I received a call and confirmed another order on the way (you can feel the excitement Alhamdulillah; felt like Allah us listening). And then, Allah willed something else! It was a slippery road due to snowfall, and I lost my balance on slope, twisted my knee badly; fell on one side and pram on the other with two kids, Allah o Akbar!. Alhamdulillah there were two people there in that freezing cold weather. The first thing I asked for, was obviously my kids, and then I said Alhamdulillah many times. Although I cound’t get up and strained ny knee badly but it could have been worse. Alhamdulillah my kids were safe. And then while dragging myself with the little kids, I was asking Allah, to help me in this pain and help me keep my words for the commitment I had made.

And Alhamdulillah, now I am writing this, still in pain but Summa Alhamdulillah, it was His mercy upon me that I fullfilled my commitments too. Allah made many ways and He always does!

The only thing which keeps us moving is gratitude for every single blessing and a misery too. May Allah bless us all with Iman and a vision to see beyond our pain, In Sha Allah.

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